Good vs Great Teachers w/Steven W. Anderson // Education in Education Show

Steven W. Anderson (, #edchat, The Tech-Savvy Administrator) and I talk about:

good teachers vs great teachers,

how students learn,

looping in middle school,

technology in edcuation,

teaching teachers, and

the future of education.


we talked about everything important as of ever. 

So I guess you could say we have it figured out. 

Seriously, this dude is legit. 

Excellent time talking to him and hopefully it'll happen again. 

That's right, I'm talking a round two. 

I haven't asked him yet, 

but it's on the Internet now,

so it has to be true!

Watch and enjoy, my friends. 

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Make sure to check Steven out everywhere you can so he doesn't regret talking to me: 



And buy ALL of his books

You stay classy out there, Interneters.