Perfect for Daily Bell Ringers.


  1. Copy the link and paste the links below in Google Classroom and tell students they are to comment in Classroom under the video and reply to other students’ thoughts! 

  2. Hit play on the video on your school’s projector as soon as the bell rings and have students record their thoughts! 


Hello Class! Watch today's video for Quote of the Day, and in the comments of this post give your thoughts on the quote, and how it applies to you! 

Do you agree or disagree with Tyler? 

Make sure to reply to at least one classmate. 

Keep it kind in the comments! 

(post link to one of the videos)



  1. Success is Not Final Quote by Winston Churchill

  2. Walt Disney on How to Start Something

  3. The Single Greatest Gift Quote

  4. Ze Frank Quote on Perfectionism

  5. Pearls Don’t Lie on the Seashore Quote

  6. If Things Seem Out of Control Quote

  7. YouTuber Olan Rogers Quote on Victory Pending

  8. Thankful for Those Who Said No Quote by Albert Einstein

  9. You Get What you Settle For Quote

  10. Grace Helbig Quote on who to Surround Yourself With

  11. Every man dies, but not every man really lives // Braveheart Quote

  12. Ellen DeGeneres Quote

  13. Susan Taylor Quote on Ability

  14. Desmond Tutu Quote on Humanity

  15. The time is always right to do what is right | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Quote

  16. Mae Jemison Quote

  17. Coretta Scott King Quote on Hatred

  18. W. E. B. Du Bois Quote on Repression

  19. Thurgood Marshall Quote on Humanity

  20. Langston Hughes Quote on Dreams

  21.  Have Vision. Be Demanding. Colin Powell Quote

  22.  Frederick Douglass Quote on Struggle and Progress

  23.  Carol Moseley Braun on Who Defines Us

  24.  Tim Ferriss Quote on Fear

  25.  Arnold Palmer Quote on Effort

  26.  Jeff Bezos Quote on Persistence

  27.  Best Dr. Seuss Quotes

  28.  Olan Rogers on a Few Hits

  29.  Thomas Jefferson Famous Quote

  30.  John Rockefeller Quote on Doing things Well

  31.  YouTuber Ben Brown's Greatest Risk

  32.  Thomas Edison Quote

  33.  Zig Ziglar's Quote about Critics

  34.  How to Never Accomplish Anything

  35.  Albus Dumbledore Quote About Dwelling on Dreams

  36.  Cross the Ocean quote with Christopher Columbus 

  37.  Jon Acuff Quote on Comparison

  38. "Attain Happiness" | Michael Hyatt

  39. "Change the World" | Anne Frank

  40. "Why Planning is Important” | Anonymous 

  41. "If You Don’t Like Something, Change It” | Maya Angelou

  42. "What Life Is 10% of What Happens to You” | Charles Swindoll

  43.  "Achieve Greatly” | JFK

  44. "Assessment" | Michael Hyatt

  45. "Try Things" | Ray Bradbury

  46. "Achieve Your Goals" | Zig Zigler

  47. "If you Want to Be Happy, Be" | Leo Tolstoy

  48. "A Friend Accepts You" | William Shakespeare

  49. "Go Far in Life" | Anonymous

  50. "Eyes on the Stars" | Teddy Roosevelt 

  51. "Withdraw From Your Cares" | Maya Angelou 

  52. "Change Your Life" | Carol Burnett 

  53. "How to Succeed" | Confucius 

  54. "Preparing to Fail" | Benjamin Franklin 

  55. “When One Door Closes” | Helen Keller

  56. “Fall in Love With Yourself” | Benjamin Franklin

  57. “Challenges Make Life Interesting” | Joshua J. Marine

  58. "Being Nice is Hard" | Casey Neistat 

  59. “Only Put Off Until Tomorrow” | Pablo Picasso

  60. “Friends Give you Freedom” | Jim Morrison

  61. “The First Step to Success” | Mark Caine

  62. “A Successful Man” | David Brinkley

  63. “Life Happens When You’re Busy Making Plans” | John Lennon

  64. “People of Accomplishment Make Things Happen”  | Leonardo Da Vinci

  65. “Greet Eachother with a Smile” | Mother Teresa

  66. “It is Our Choices that Show What We Truly Are” | JK Rowling

  67. "There is Nothing Permanent Except Change" | Heraclitus 

  68. “ A Surefire Formula for Success” | Herbert Bayard Swope

  69. "Ideas are Common, Execution is Everything" | Casey Neistat

  70. “Surround Yourself with Good People" | Ali Krieger 

  71. “Great Discuss Ideas” | Eleanor Roosevelt

  72. “Opposite of Love is not Hate” | Elie Wiesel

  73. “Succeed in What Matters” | Francis Chan

  74. “20 Year From Now” | Mark Twain

  75. "Man is Not Made for Defeat" | Ernest Hemmingway 

  76. “The Happiest People Don’t Gain More”| H. Jackson Brown

  77. "Overthinking the Process Kills Creativity" | Casey Neistat 

  78. "You Cannot Shake Hands with a Clenched Fist" | Indira Gandhi

  79. "Judge everyone and everything for yourself" | Henry James 

  80. "Learning never exhausts the mind" | Leonardo da Vinci 

  81. "The Greatest Wealth" | Plato

  82. "The Most Courageous Act" | Coco Chanel

  83. "Nothing is Impossible" | Nelson Mandela 

  84. “Be who you are and say what you feel” | Bernard Baruch

  85. “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do ” | John Wooden

  86. "I Have No Special Talent" | Albert Einstein

  87. "If you Judge People, You Have No Time to Love Them" | Mother Teresa

  88. "A Great Man is Always Willing to be Little" | Ralph Waldo Emerson

  89. "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" | Steven Jobs

  90. "The Weak Can Never Forgive" | Mahatma Gandhi

  91. “We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us " | Virginia Satir 

  92. “The best way to predict the future is to invent it ” | Alan Kay 

  93. "Success vs Value" | Albert Einstein

  94. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way ” | Napoleon Hill 

  95. "Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise" | Sigmund Freud

  96. "Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit" |Khalil Gibran 

  97. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger" | Friedrich Nietzsche

  98. “I haven’t failed I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work ” | Thomas Edison 

  99. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage ” | Anais Nin

  100. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect ” | Mark Twain

  101. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door ” | Milton Berle

  102. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow Learn as if you were to live forever ” | Mahatma Gandhi 

  103. “Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail ” | Charles Kettering 

  104. “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say ” | Ralph Waldo Emerson 

  105. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken ” | Oscar Wilde

  106. “Two roads diverged in a wood” | Robert Frost 

  107. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world ” | Mahatma Gandhi 

  108. “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra ” | Jimmy Johnson

  109. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you ” | Jim Rohn

  110. “Everything Gets Harder if you Start Complaining” | N.D. Wilson

  111. “Make up your Mind and Diminish Fear” | Rosa Parks

  112. “Goals are Not About What You Accomplish” | Micheal Hyatt

  113. “Whenever Things Go Wrong”| Scott Cairns

  114.  “Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying” | Stephen King 

  115.  “No One Can Give You Your Goals” | Warren Phillip Gates

  116.  “Our Character is Defined in the Hard Times” | Paul Brody

  117.  “It Always Seems Impossible, Until…” | Nelson Mandela

  118.  “Do the Difficult Things while they are Easy” | Lao Tzu

  119.  “The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started” | Mark Twain

  120.  “ The Key to Success is Failure” | Michael Jordan

  121.  “Anything Worthwhile is Opposed” | Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy

  122.  “Overwork Does Not Help Us” | Sarah Carmichael

  123.  “Schedule Your Priorities” | Stephen R. Covey

  124.  “Don’t Wait Until Everything is Ready” | Ivan Turgney

  125.  “Winners Don’t Do Different Things” | Shiv Khera

  126.  “Failure Will Never Overtake Me” | Og Mandino

  127. "Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness" by MLK

  128. "The Only Thing we have to Fear" | FDR

  129. Creativity is an Extension of our Enthusiasm

  130. Pave a New Path

  131. We're All in this Together Quote, Explained

  132. Make Your World Significant

  133. Broken People vs Great People, Explained

  134. Why are New Adventures Scary?

  135. How to Teach Vision

  136. What does Success Cost?

  137. Do People Choose their Life?

  138. This Too Shall Pass

  139. Only Sith Speak in Absolutes Quote

  140. Albert Camus Quote on Friendship

  141. Abe Lincoln Quote on Discipline

  142. Goals are Dreams with Workboots on

  143. Eleanor Roosevelt Quote on on Feeling Inferior

  144. Quote about Good Ideas

  145. Kanye West Quote on Happiness

  146. Tony Robbins Quote

  147. You Miss 100% of the Shots you Don't Take

  148. Quote by Money Tree Man

  149. The Best Role

  150. Olan Rogers quote on doing what you love

  151. Who is going to stop me