Teatime with Tyler // Live Google Tutorials + Q&A!

Hello there!

I hope your June went GREAT and your July is starting off just lovely!

I know many of you have spent a good portion of June at Professional Developments (some of which I got the chance to do with your school) and you’re [hopefully] feeling more prepared for whatever the Fall looks like!

Thinking back on the Baller Teacher Conference and how fun some of the Q&A interaction time was, I came up with an idea for how we can continue to learn and grow and connect as teachers!

Starting this week, July 6-10, I’m starting Teatime with Tyler Q&A!

I’ll be walking through some tools, tips, and resources for teachers, and the whole time we’ll be interacting and you can all ask questions LIVE!!!

I’d love it if you join as they go live at 8:00am CST, or you can watch after!

The links below will take you to each video, and I’d love to hear your thoughts/needs on what I can help you with to discuss in the future talks!

Those links above should take you straight to the videos!


Google Cheat Sheet for Teachers


Baller Teacher Digital Conference THIS THURSDAY!