🌮 3 Tips to Help You Starting Back this Semester!💆‍♂️

Hello and HOW ARE YOU!?!?!?!

I hope you said “fantastic” and if you didn’t, don’t worry…that’s not your fault (cause you is awesome)!!

Got a few quick tips and a few more resources to help you get this semester kicked off like Messi in the World Cup!


1. Embrace the chaos!

Starting back to school after a break can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that just a li’l bit of chaos can be a good thing.

Donald Miller once said: A little bit of conflict is a good thing. It's what keeps the story interesting!

So go ahead and EMBRACE the craziness of the first few days back to school. It's all part of the journey for you and your students!

2. Get organized!

The start of a new semester is the perfect time to get organized (think New Year’s Resolution, but you’re bringing 30-100 kids along for the ride 😂). Take some time to reorganize your classroom and create a clear plan for the weeks ahead.

TIP: I tell the students what my plan and ask them to hold me accountable! #teamwork

This will not only make your life easier, but it will also help your students feel more at ease as they transition back into the school routine!!


3. Have some funnnnn!

Returning to school doesn't have to be all business like a tie factory! Make sure to inject some fun into your lesson plans and take time to enjoy your students and the rapport you’re building. TRUST ME: It’s not a waste of time. It will empower them to feel like it’s their class, too!

As Jon Acuff says, "The goal is not to work hard. The goal is to work on something you love."

So make sure to have a little bit of fun along the way!

Here’s to 2024 being the #GOAT year!!
Dr. T

P.S. New Year, new you? Kick it off by making your life easier by leveling up through of the 2 Courses I just made! ChatGPT for Teachers and/or Google Educator Prep (both included in that Honor Roll Membership)!


😁 Easiest way to KNOCK OUT your PD this Summer (with me)!


⏱️ 1-Minute Tip ➡️ 3 Things in Gmail to Save You TIME!!